Forgiven of all my sins, oh happy condition,
at peace with my God, oh wonderful position!
To know that I am redeemed by Jesus’ blood,
causes my heart to rejoice with thanks to God.
And since I am a child of the Almighty Creator,
my spirit rightfully claims him as Abba Father.
Nothing is better than being saved individually,
and the reassurance I am loved unconditionally.
Now while this personal salvation thrills my soul,
according to the Scriptures, this is not the whole.
For though God ransomed me to revel in his liberty,
he never planned that I would indulge in it selfishly.
Certainly, in Jesus, God reconciled me to himself,
so he wills me to offer this peace to everyone else.
Because sin destroyed communion with God and man,
as a result, it also produced a tension between humans.
Hence, a salvation professing to possess eternal life
is worthless, if it neglects to settle man-to-man strife.
Moreover, every spiritual blessing given to me in Christ
is meant to extend to my fellowmen in selfless sacrifice.
Yes, God desires that I exult in my redemption, indeed,
but at the same time, to minister grace to those in need.
Finally, to expect to join that Heavenly Throng of God
requires me to unite with his saints while on earth’s sod.
Thus, I ask God to purge me of hypocritical arrogance
that can audaciously gloat in my personal deliverance,
and yet justify a wicked grudge, or harbor any thought
toward my fellow sister or brother to set them at naught!
-Alfredo Mullet-