About Us

Who We Are

The Faith Mennonite Fellowship of Lott, Texas is a Brotherhood of born-again believers who endeavor to pattern their lives by the example of Jesus Christ who left us explicit teaching in the way we are to live, we believe in a visible local body of believers who have repented of their sins, believe and are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, thus bringing Glory to the most Holy one which is Christ Jesus. Ephesians 3:20-21. These we confess to be the chosen generation, a royal priesthood and a Holy nation whom Jesus purchased with his own blood, who are now the bride and wife of Christ, which he will take unto himself at the time of his appearing. 1 Peter 2:9-10 He continues to teach us by the Holy Scriptures “which is our rule of life” and by his indwelling Spirit Ephesians 2:19-22 which makes it possible for us to live a practical Christ-like life as we journey through this modern world. This church may be known by her scriptural faith, doctrine, love, and Godly conversation and by maintaining the ordinances that Christ has taught to his disciples.

What We Value

We value and embrace the theology of our Anabaptist forefathers who lived out the Word of God even if it meant dying for the Faith.
We teach honesty and purity of life and strive to live a Godly life-style that does not engage us to the bondage of this world-system. Hence we desire to be ready at any time should that great event unfold when Christ shall return to take home his cherished bride. (The Church)
We value a definite home structure where Godly parents nurture and admonish their children in the ways of Christ and to be a valuable asset to our local communities, being subject to rulers and authorities whom God has placed over us.

Our Purpose For Being Here

Our purpose for being here is to effectively work in the Kingdom of God for which we are commissioned by Christ to teach and baptize all who believe. Our mission is first to our families and local communities and as God directs we are to go into the entire world urging people to consider their eternal destiny and thereby convincing them to give their first allegiance to Christ and receive him into their hearts and thereby glorify the creator which makes them recipients of the great reward, and an eternal abode with Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.

About Faith Mennonite Fellowship

The Faith Mennonite Fellowship of Lott, Texas is a Brotherhood of born-again believers who endeavor to pattern their lives by the example of Jesus Christ who left us explicit teaching in the way we are to live.

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