Today I Prayed

Alfredo Mullet // Uncategorized


September 17  

Today I prayed:
Oh God, I am living within a decadent society
whose fluctuating morals are repulsive to me.
I am concerned about the attacks on the Bible
and the push to dispose of Christian principles.
I worry that the Legislative powers of The Land
will work to wrest Godly values out of our hands.
This would make it difficult to obey your Word
and impose restrictions on following our Lord.
Moreover, I fear how this will affect our posterity;
for it will pressure us to compromise their security.
If we do not obey Federal anti-Christian Legislation,
then we will most likely invite religious persecution.
Then I hear you say:
My Child, obviously you have misread My Book
and have failed to judge it with a scrutinizing look.
For in it Jesus warned you will experience tribulation,
if you agree to obey his Gospel with sincere dedication.
He also stated his Kingdom is not terrestrially derived,
meaning that its authorization is celestially contrived.
Therefore, it cannot rely on secular political Legislation
for either permission or restriction as to its holy function.
You have also forgotten to take personal soul inventory,
to assess if you play any part in the sinfulness of society.
Do you not think it unfair to blame the general populace
for your failure to conquer sin through my divine grace?
Then in shame I replied:
Oh Father, I appreciate your kind and timely enjoinder
and thank you for the much needed forthright reminder.
In self-righteousness I have condemned my fellowmen,
without first judging my ungodly attitudes toward them.
I admit I have compared myself to unregenerate society
in an attempt to justify my personal hidden immorality.
In the process, I have arbitrarily rearranged moral lines
so that their wickedness now appears worse than mine.
In humility I acknowledge my individual wickedness,
and accept my responsibility for society’s ungodliness.
Now that my heart is clear of sanctimonious arrogance,
perhaps I can influence the impious to true repentance!
-A Prophet’s Prayer of Repentance-
-Alfredo Mullet-

About Faith Mennonite Fellowship

The Faith Mennonite Fellowship of Lott, Texas is a Brotherhood of born-again believers who endeavor to pattern their lives by the example of Jesus Christ who left us explicit teaching in the way we are to live.

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